Mission Statement
We have been charged by theLord Jesus Christ, and inspired by the Holy Spirit to make every soul we reach aware of thepromise that God our Father has made to all humanity, and that isthe promised baptism of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. The Spirit of God reveals to man the things that are freely given to him of God (1Corinthians 2:4-16). We have been sent by God to rescue souls from the streets, and fromthe false churches that are depriving their congregates oftheir Holy Ghost blessing, thepromise that the Old Testament prophets (Joel 2:28, 29), John theBaptist (Matthew 3:11), and Jesus Christ spoke upon us. See more references about the promise ofthe Holy Ghost in (Luke 11:9-13, Luke 24:49, John 14:15-18, 26, John 15:26, John 16:7-15, Acts 1:6-8, & Acts 11:1-18). Read Acts Chapter 10 in its entirety, that you might better understand Acts 1. Scores of souls are being misled into eternal damnation, because they were not told that except we be filled with the Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to the Lord (Romans 8:9), and will not be raised from the dead (Romans 8:11). So in a nutshell, we are exposing Satan's lies, and revealing God's truth, and by doing so, as many as believe will receive theblessed promised baptism of the Holy Ghost. If much of what you read on our website is new to you, our prayer for you after you received the truth is that you obey the commandment of Acts 2:38 & the admonishment ofRomans 12:1, 2, because if you do, we'll see you in the New Jerusalem, if we never meet you here on earth, as we know it right now, we'll see you inthe New Jerusalem!
Meet Our Pastor
Kenneth Oneal Shuler founded The Embassy of King Christ Jesus, formerly the Assembly of Kingdom Glory, on April 21, 2002. He was born on November 28, 1963 to David & Leola Shuler (both deceased) of Santee, SC. Pastor Shuler has 7 siblings; Anthony Devine Shuler (deceased), Marvin Shuler (deceased), Arleen Miller, Gwendolyn Shuler, Elaine Goodwin, & Sonja Shuler). After the decease of his mother He was also raised as a son by his uncle & aunt (George & Mary Frances Thompson (deceased)) of Vance, SC. This gave him the joy of having 10 more siblings (Vernetta Thompson (deceased), Beatrice Thompson, Drucilla Pettigrew (deceased), George Thompson Jr., Mary Ruth Jenkins, Sandra Thompson, David Lee Thompson, Ronald Thompson (deceased), Mary Lavern Thompson, & Daryl Thompson (deceased)). After the decease of his mother Leola, his father David Shuler, married a "Jersey Girl" named Brenda. This union gave him yet another mother, & 3 more siblings (Hope (deceased), Troy, Helen & Charise). His daughter Andrea gave him a son-in-law (Anthony Hair). Pastor Shuler is married to Kathy Yolonda Ragin Shuler. Together they have 5 children (Andrea, Teon, Zayshauna, Antronia, & Shania). They also have 5 grandchildren (Jaylin, Jahmel, Jahmya, Cameron, Antonia). Pastor Shuler is a welder/fabricator by trade, & is a pretty good (nearly washed-up) athlete. After years of drug addiction & living the life of the streets, God saved his cousin & best friend, Franklin Bell, who reached back into the world of the lost & brought him to the truth of God's Word. On Monday Nov. 18, 1991, Pastor Shuler was led to Emmanuel Church of our Lord Jesus Christ (Columbia, SC), where the Pastor was the late Bishop Mallon Pollock. On that night, Pastor Shuler was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins, & only moments later, at 8:45 PM, he was filled with the promised gift of the Holy Ghost, confirmed by the evidence of his speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave him utterance. God ordained him to the ministry of the Word of God, & he preached his initial sermon on Dec. 27, 1992. He is the author of countless religious tracts that help simplify the Word of God for the common people. He is also the author of an inspirational book entitled, "The Death of Black America at the Hands of New Black America: Our Ground Zero." You can receive, free of charge, any of his tracts upon your request. Just give us your address, & we'll get the requested material to you. CDs & DVDs are also free of charge. Wow! People have been healed of sicknesses, including cancer, by the anointing that The Lord has placed upon this servant's life. When you read his tracts, or hear his sermons, you will know that this man has been with Christ! People leave the sanctuary in awe of what they see, feel, & hear as this latter day preacher & teacher ministers by the Word of God. Scores have been filled with the Holy Ghost, & baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
..."And they continued stedfastly in the Apostles' Doctrine..." (Acts 2:42)
What a man/woman must do in order to be saved: We believe that there is no way a man or a woman can see, or enter into the Kingdom of God without being born again, of water & of the Spirit. Jesus made that fact abundantly clear to Nichodemus in John 3:1-7. We believe, & are sure that Jesus was referring to water baptism & the promised baptism of the Holy Ghost that John the Baptist said would come by Jesus Christ ("I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, & with fire", Matt. 3:11). We also know that the metaphoric mandate of John 3:1-7 (being born again of water & of the Spirit) is revealed through the wisdom of the Holy Ghost by Peter on the first Day of Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus Christ when Peter commanded Israel to "Repent, & be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins (Born of water), & ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Born of the Spirit), Acts 2:38. After about three years of teaching His apostles, Jesus told them in John 16:12, that He had many other things to say to them, but they wouldn't understand it until the Spirit of Truth had come to them. In John 14:26, He told them that the Holy Ghost would come to them & teach them all things, even forgotten things that He had taught them in times past. Peter asserted that he & the disciples' receiving of the Holy Ghost was the fulfillment of God's prophetic Word to Israel that He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Jew & Gentile) in the last days (Joel 2:28-32 & Acts 2:1-21). Also see Acts 2:39-47. Jesus talked about sending the promise of His Father to His disciples on numerous occasions: (John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16: 7-15, Luke 11:9-13, Luke 24:49, & Acts 1:6-8). Scores of ministries are telling converts that they are saved upon confessing & believing in the redemptive works of Jesus Christ, & then reciting what they call "The Sinner's Prayer" (Romans 10:8-10). Paul did not say in Rom. 10:9, that one is instantly saved upon confessing Christ, but rather he said that they shall be saved. Joel Olsteen ends his church's broadcast by admonishing his audience to recite the "Sinner's Prayer" responsively after him. When he is finished, he says, "If you prayed that prayer with me, I believe you got born again." If a church teaches that its converts can be instantly saved by what they utter out of their mouths, why does it yet baptize converts for their sins to be remitted/forgiven? That question brings to mind another question: How is an individual born again of the Spirit by confessing with his or her mouth, the faith that is in his or her heart? Jesus did not say that salvation is obtained by confession & prayer, but that all true believers should be filled with the Holy Ghost (John 7:37-39). He added that their faith & their salvation would be confirmed by the supernatural sign of speaking in new tongues (Mark 16:14-17). In Acts 19:1-6, Paul asked 12 men, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" We can believe to no end, but if we don't receive the Holy Ghost, we're still damned, because in Romans 8:9, Paul told the church at Rome, "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. "He went on to tell them in Romans 8:11, that they would be raised from the dead, as Christ was, only if the Holy Ghost was dwelling in them. If every church returned to scriptural precedence, the ONE Body of Christ would be united in the Word of God. If there is any question about how the church should perform its ordinances today, all we have to do is look back into the scripture, & then do as the church of the scripture did. What other example do we have? In Matthew 28:16-18, after rising from the dead, Jesus appeared unto His apostles in a mountain in Galilee. When they saw Him, there was confusion among them about whether they should worship Jesus or not. Some worshipped, & others were in doubt. Then Jesus proclaimed, "All power is given unto me, in heaven, & in earth." Now why would someone, who just claimed to be sovereign, in heaven & in earth, turn around & command His apostles to go & teach all nations, baptizing them in any name other than His (Matt. 28:19)? Perhaps 1John 5:7 can help us better understand the mystery name of the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost, as it says, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, (which was God, & was made flesh (Jesus Christ) John 1:1, 14), & the Holy Ghost: & these three are ONE." God is Holy, & God is a Spirit, & God, the Holy Spirit, came down from heaven & visited a virgin's womb & used her DNA to transform Himself into human flesh (Jesus Christ), & was born into the world as Jesus of Nazareth. In Matt. 28:19, Jesus told His apostles to baptize all believers in THE NAME, not NAMES of the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost. Well beloved, if it's only one name, it must be the name of Jesus Christ, which is the name of the Son of God. When Philip asked Jesus to show him & the rest of the apostles the Father (John 14:8), Jesus responded in John 14:9, "Have I been so long time with you, & yet has thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; & how sayest thou then, shew us the Father?" More of revelation of the mystery that Jesus Christ is God Almighty can be discovered in Isaiah 9:6, which says that the son-child that would be born & given to Israel to reign over them would be called: Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Matthew said Immanuel/Emmanuel, by interpretation meant, "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:18-25 (23)). 1Timothy 3:16 says that God was revealed in flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, & received up into glory (See Acts 1:9-11). How could God have been received up into glory if He had not come down from glory? Also see John 1:10-18. In this gospel, Luke said that Jesus was the Lord's Christ, but after the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost, Luke wrote that Peter testified on the Day of Pentecost that Jesus was both Lord, & Christ, & no longer the Lord's Christ(Acts 2:36). Peter also said in Acts 10:36, that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Now this sheds light on the mystery of the name of the Holy Ghost, because 2Corinthians 3:17 says, "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. "We know that Jesus Christ is the Lord, & if the Lord Jesus is the Holy Spirit/Ghost, we must declare that the name of the Holy Ghost is Jesus Christ. That's why the Church of Jesus Christ never baptized anyone reciting the words "Father", "Son", & "Holy Ghost". Father is a reference to God as Creator, Son is a reference to Him as the Redeemer, & Holy Ghost is just the description of His Spirit, which is indeed holy. After meeting with His disciples for the final time after His resurrection, Jesus suspended their ministry to the world, & told them to wait until they were endued with power from on high. They were not to give testimony of Him to the world, until after they had received the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:6-8). After they received the Holy Ghost on the first Day of Pentecost after His resurrection, they water baptized all Christian converts in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thus, we boldly conclude that the Disciples of Christ never baptized anyone, reciting the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost. Here is our scriptural precedence for baptizing Christian converts in the name of Jesus Christ: Acts 2:38, Acts 4:12, Acts 8:1-40, Acts 9:1-18, Acts 10:1-48, Acts 11:1-18, Acts 19:1-6, & Acts 22:1-16. Didn't we say that we are like an open book? Now we must add to our doctrinal beliefs concerning the salvation of the soul, that after one has been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, as the church of the scripture baptized its converts, & after one has received the gift of the Holy Ghost as promised by God to all men, he or she must then fulfill Romans 12:1, 2 in order to overcome this world. We cannot be saved, and yet be conformed to this world, but our minds must be renewed & transformed as we continually present our bodies to the service of Almighty God. Yes, we must be holy, or we will not be acceptable to Him. Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins, so it puzzles us that water baptism, which has so much to do with being freed from sin, is not the most frequently taught doctrine in the Church. Beloved reader, it is our response to the doctrine (Apostles' Doctrine) that was first delivered to the church that will determine whether we will be saved, or whether we will be lost. If we shun it, we will be lost, but if we embrace & obey it, we will be saved (Romans 6:15-23). If this is not crystal clear enough to you, I'm sure we'll try to reach you with more of God's Word. That's just how much we care. Our website was designed for the purpose of showing people why we believe what we believe, & why we do what we do, as pertaining to the Word of God. So many of the Church's teachings remain mystical to the greater part of Christendom, because for fear of losing members, pastors refrain from teaching things about God that they deem unappealing. We see this as a great injustice, because the people of God deserve to know what His will is for them, even if it doesn't come with all the bells & whistles that all the promised Blessings of God come with. We believe that the more we learn about God, down to His little peculiarities, the more we will know how to please Him, & how to walk before Him. You may not agree with everything we do, but at least now you know why we do what we do. God's ways & thoughts are not as ours, so if we struggle with the least of His demands, how shall we honor the greater ones? Think of how much wrong we are capable of doing without the knowledge of God.
Days of Religious Observance(None):
Easter: This day of observance actually has nothing to do with Christianity. It was a pagan festival that was held in honor of "Estre", the goddess of fertility. The pagans that dwelt in Israel after enemy invasions celebrated Estre & praised her for bringing their children into sexual identity with themselves. It was the celebrating of children enjoying the pleasures of sin that they said were so graciously given by their false goddess. Easter ran simultaneously with the Jewish Passover. That is why it is mentioned in the scriptures. Herod, a flunky King, so disrespected Christianity, that he killed the Apostle James for sport & Jewish amusement. On the other hand, he respected a pagan observance enough to delay killing Peter until the festivities were over (Acts 12:1-4). If Easter were a Christian holy day, why would Herod, an anti-Christian, who had just killed James, a Christian, pay so much respect to a Christian holy day, that he'd delay killing Peter until it was over? Yet, it (Easter) was adopted by the Catholic & Protestant churches as a Christian holy day. It comes around annually with all the bells & whistles,egg-laying rabbits, egg hunts, new clothes, & speeches. Some churches are so desperately in need of Spiritual communion with God, that they use Easter as a time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Some call it resurrection Sunday, because they know that Easter derives from vulgar idolatry. We, who are Spirit-filled & full of the truth, should realize that every day that we live in the Spirit is a day spent in the power of His resurrection. As a matter of fact, the Resurrection is not a day, but a person (Jesus Christ) John 11:21-26. So if we are in Christ, we are daily living in the power of His resurrection
Christmas: Christmas is short for the Catholic term "Christ-mass", which means Christ-Worship. Mass is a Catholic term for worship. Question: Why do people buy one another gifts on the day they reverence as Jesus' birthday? The Catholic church has nearly everything wrong about worshipping Christ, but at least they try during the Christmas season. Most protestant, & some Pentecostal churches don't even consider worshipping on the 25th of Dec., but they go full throttle with many of the other festivities. When the wise men went to see the Christ-child, they took gifts of gold, myrrh, & frankincense; expensive gifts that were usually given to honor kings. Their#1 intent for seeking the birthplace of the child was that they might worship Him (Matt. 2:1-8). When people exchange gifts on Jesus' birthday, what are they saying? Is someone playing the one born king, & is someone playing the part of the wise men? When a child gets a toy, or when a man buys his wife a new washer & dryer, how is that considered worship? How does a decorated tree represent the most humble & holy King? How did flying reindeer & Santa creep into such a Jesus thing? During the Christmas season you can drive by homes & behold replicas of the nativity & figurines of Santa & his reindeer sharing the same yard. Why are there Christmas (Christ-Worship) parties in the nightclubs? Food for thought: The heathens would cuttrees out of the forest, carry them into their homes, deck them with gold & silver, then bow & worship them. Through Jeremiah, God warned us against the ways of the heathen (Jeremiah 10:1-18). I don't know about you, but that's playing it a little too close for me.People may not bow to their Christmas trees, but how will they, in good conscience, give an account to God for what they do with trees & other objects & items during Xmas time? We will give an account to God for everything we say & do.Having said all that, we do encourage our members to take advantage of the sales during Xmas, but please don't buy a Playstation game system in the name of Jesus' birthday. That would certainly be mockery. How would you feel if it was your birthday, & everyone came to celebrate your birthday, with one another, ignoring you? We know you feel us!Just think; with specificity, God gave the days & months that the Day of Atonement, the Passover, the Sabbath, & the Day of the blowing of the trumpets were to be observed; do you think that that same God would be so negligent as to forget to leave on record, the day & month of His birth, & of His resurrection, if he wanted us to observe it? No way! He would've left them on record for us if He thought it necessary; but He didn't, because Christ, The Eternal is the fulfillment of all the Old Covenant days of observance.
Valentine's Day: God is the Supreme author of Love, of every kind: Agape love is the unconditional love wherewith God loves us. Even if He has to sentence us to hell, He will do it righteously, in honor of those, who love Him & keep His commandments, & in honor of His own holiness. In Jer. 31:3, The Lord said, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love. "Phileos love is love for our fellowman. Jesus said the pinnacle of human love is a love that compels one to lay down his/her life for a friend. Yet His love is greater than that, because He also died to save His enemies (John 15:13).Eros love is the passionate love that is exchanged between a man & a woman. On Feb. 14th of every year, all around the world, men & women exchange gifts in honor of the love that Valentine had for his lover. We do not look to mankind to find a love affair that epitomizes perfect love, but we are inspired to love our wives according to the love that Christ has for His bride, the church: A love that compelled Him to die, that His bride might live. Ephesians 5:25 says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, & gave Himself for it." We thus conclude that we are to love our wives according to the model established by our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, not according to Valentine's love for his lover.
St. Patrick's Day: The life & legacy of a true saint of God would never be celebrated by drunks drinking green beer. Next!
Shadows of things to come: The Old Testament observances were merely reflections of that which was to come. The Day of Atonement, The Passover, Pentecost, & the Sabbath were observances that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul made it clear that if we attempt to be justified & saved by portions of the Law, we then become indebted to observe all of the old Law, including animal sacrifices (Galatians 5:1-6). He rebuked the saints of Galatia for reverting back to their former days of observance, after they had been saved by faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 4:1-11).Then he added that if we find justification under the Law, we are fallen from grace, & Christ & His atoning works are of none effect to us. The early scribes made The Sabbath Day the central focus of the Mosaic Law. Those were never God's intentions when He hallowed the seventh day. He established the Sabbath so that mankind might cease from all labor & give reverence to The Creator of heaven and earth. For God, the Sabbath was actually a celebratory rest from His creative works. Jesus made it clear that through the self righteous works of Israel's religious establishment, the Sabbath Day was over emphasized. Now we know that Christ transcends all the days of religious observances, including the Sabbath & the day we all await, "The Resurrection", which is also Jesus(John 11:25, 26 & Colossians 2:6-17). Oh, I almost forgot: When Jesus sat to eat the Last Supper with His apostles, instead of observing what happened in Egypt the night of the Passover, He said that the wine & the bread represented the giving of Himself & the ratification of a New Covenant by the shedding of His blood (Luke 22:7-20). So what should we learn from that night of fellowship? We should understand that as highly as Israel esteemed their Passover observance, it would all be null & void without the sacrifice of the True Passover Lamb. The Passover of Egypt was only a reflection of Jesus Christ dying to deliver us from the bondage of sin, by the shedding of His blood, & His death on Calvary. Our late beloved Sister Shela Stinnie said it best when she sang, We don't have to kill, no lamb anymore, we don't have put, no blood on the door, someone has taken, the place of the lamb, Jesus the great I Am! Still, He did not destroy the old observance; He just fulfilled it in Himself. He did the same to all the other major observances. They are to be forever remembered, but they were only reflections of that which was to come.
Holiness in us supersedes the sanctity of any day. God's pleasure is in the holiness of humanity, and the observance of holy days is of no use to God, if man is not holy in that day, and every other day. This is the Christ effect. He is the First and the Last, the Ancient of days. AMEN.
Marriage & Divorce:
Nothing is more misunderstood & wrongfully taught by the church than the institution of marriage. Scores of people have received the wrong counsel as pertaining to marriage, divorce,& salvation. We sought God diligently for His counsel concerning this delicate matter. Here is what He revealed to us: Almost to no end, the Pharisees & Sadducees laid in wait to catch Jesus teaching things contradictory to what Moses or the prophets had declared of God. They knew that He was rich in mercy, so they thought that marriage was the perfect subject to trip him up on. It is vitally important that we know who Jesus, or any of the authors of the Biblical books are talking to, why they are talking to them, & when they are talking to them. Jesus said hard things to the hypocritical religious leaders of Israel, because their questions to Him concerning the scriptures were not asked out of a pure intent. In Matt. 19:1-12, the Pharisees tempted Jesus to error in the scripture concerning marriage & divorce by asking Him if it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for any reason he pleased. Jesus referred them to marriage & its sanctity from the beginning with Adam & Eve. Then He told them that even Moses allowed them to write their wives a bill of divorcement if she was unfaithful, or unclean, & not for any unjust cause. He even told them that if they were to divorce their wives for any unlawful reason, their divorce would not be recognized by God as valid, & if they or their ex-wives were to marry another man or woman, they & their new spouses would be guilty of adultery (Rom. 7:1-3 ). Paul is not using the analogy of a marriage that has one or two spouses that are committing covenant-killing sins; but he's using as an analogy, a marriage that is in order before God (both spouses saved); because God cannot, & will not govern anything that is given to sin. That's why He told the 5 sinful churches of Asia Minor that He'd remove them out of His Body (the churches are the candlesticks & the place of the candlesticks is the Body of Christ, (Rev. Chapters 1-3). Bodily & immoral sins that grants a spouse the right to pursue & obtain a divorce should not be mentioned among the saved. That's why Paul told the Corinthians that The Lord forbids a saved husband from divorcing his saved wife, & vise-versa (1Cor. 7:10, 11). Paul commanded the saved woman to not depart from her husband, yet made a concession in 1Cor. 7:11 saying, "but & if she departs. "There differences should always be reconcilable, & not as the catastrophic sins of adultery, & fornication; such as homosexuality & other forms of lasciviousness discovered after marriage. When we go that low, we are "aints", & not saints. So biblical teachings that are designed to preserve the sanctity of the sanctified institution of marriage are not even applicable. So Rom. 7:1-3 does not mean that God condemns all the new marriages of former divorcees. It simply means that under Jewish law, a marriage terminated by a woman would not be acknowledged by the state, unless her husband had committed some abominable act. If this was not the case, & she was to marry another man, he would not be recognized as her husband, but an adulterer with her. So are there other offences that would justify the termination of a marriage? Certainly! Attempted murder should make the list, I would think so. Assault & battery with hot grits, hot irons, hot water, firearms, bare-hands, or any means of inflicting bodily harm would also make the list, but Jesus referred to the offences that were the most common causes of divorce (Adultery & other forms of fornication). We cannot believe that because murder (not of the spouse, LOL!), attempted murder, & other heinous & abominable crimes against humanity are not mentioned in The Lord's teachings on marriage & divorce; only adultery & fornication can empower a victimized spouse to bring legal termination to their marriage. At some point, our God-given common sense ought to help us reason with Him about certain matters. In the Jewish state of Israel, a woman could not legally write a bill of divorcement against her husband. If she did, it would not be recognized by the state, & if she were to marry another man, she would still be considered an adulteress (Romans 7:1-3). Paul said in Rom. 7:1, that he was speaking to them that knew the law. What did the law say concerning marriage & divorce? In Deut. 24:1-4, Moses told Israel that if a man discovered something unclean about a woman after he had married her, he had the authority to write her a bill of divorcement & send her out of his home. She was then freed to go & become another man's wife, but if her second husband were to die, or divorce her, she was not permitted to go back & re-marry her first husband. It was an abomination for a man to remarry a woman he had divorced. Yet many of our churches are telling divorcees to go back to their ex-husbands or wives, or remain in the state of celibacy for the remainder of their lives. We will shine the light of revelation on this cloudy, divisive subject: A man was not bound to a woman that had deceived him into marrying her under false pretenses, including a false claim of virginity (Deut. 22:13-21). So why should the modern Apostolic Church teach otherwise? When they hear Paul say in Romans, "Ye have not received the spirit of BONDAGE again to fear..." (Rom. 8:15), they shout, "That's right, whom the Son has set free, they are free indeed." Then when Paul tells abandoned spouses in 1Corinthians 7:12-24, that they are not under bondage in such cases; as being left or divorced by an unbelieving, unwilling spouse, all of a sudden, NOT UNDER BONDAGE no longer means FREE INDEED, as it does in Romans 8:15. So what do they suppose, "NOT UNDER BONDAGE IN SUCH CASES" means? If you are saved & your unbelieving spouse leaves you & marries someone else, & you are charged to continue honoring that person as your spouse, & can't ever marry again, unless the departed spouse dies, how is that not BONDAGE? God called us to peace, & there is no peace when a sinner controls your fate & how happy you can be in this life. God Himself said that it was not good for a man to be alone. Now we understand that there are people, who vow themselves to God in sanctified celibacy: But Paul also talked about those, who are not empowered to keep themselves. He encouraged those, who are not equipped to stay celibate, to marry, rather than burn. God tells us to come out from among unbelievers & be separate, & then turns around & binds us to the yoke of a departed, unfaithful spouse that is not pleased to be in the marriage! WOW!! The debate over whether Gentile converts needed to be circumcised in order to be saved, or whether they were saved, just as the Jews were, by receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost & by being water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ caused the church to hold a doctrinal/spiritual council at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-29). Acting as Bishop, James ruled that the Gentiles should not be burdened by the law of the circumcision as they (Jews of his day), & as the Jews that were under the Old Covenant were. He declared that the Gentiles, like the Jews, were saved by the Grace of God through repentance of sins, by being water baptized for the remission of sins, & by being filled with the Holy Ghost. He gave his ruling according to two standards: 1) By God's saving of the Gentiles; filling them with the Holy Ghost (Acts Chapters 10 & 11). 2) By confirming that the salvation of the Gentiles was prophetically declared by the prophets of God in the Hebrew Torah. In Acts 15:13-18, we can clearly see James scriptural diligence, as he compares the engrafting of the Gentiles into the Body of Christ to Old Testament prophecies that Simeon, the Jewish scholar, had made reference to them about (Luke 2:25-32). The Spirit & the Word agree as one. In the early 20th Century, Bishop Robert Clarence Lawson resign from his post in PAW (The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World), & organized The Churches of Christ of the Apostolic Faith in New York City in 1919. During Bishop Lawson's years of service to PAW, he & the organization were under the assumption that a divorcee that was married to someone other than their first spouse while their first spouse was yet alive, was guilty of adultery, & could not be saved in that state. Then he witnessed God fill a female divorcee with the Holy Ghost while her first husband was still alive, even though she was married to another man. What did he do? He did what Peter did: He went on a more diligent search of the scripture & followed the Holy Ghost into a broader truth. When Peter witnessed the Gentiles being filled with the Holy Ghost, he asked the Jews that accompanied him from Joppa to Caesarea, who like him, did not believe that God would save the unclean Gentiles of the world, "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?" Then he commanded the newly saved Gentiles to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, just as the Jewish converts had been(Acts 10:42-48): Please read Acts Chapter 10 in its entirety, & hear Peter's testimony about the salvation of the Gentiles to some Jews at Jerusalem, who were not so receptive of his report in Acts 11:1-18. In Acts 11:17, Peter asked, "What was I, that I could withstand God? The wisdom & humility of Bishop Lawson has since been supplanted by dogma that is born of man's falling short of his God-given charge to scriptural due diligence. He was man enough to stand against the status quo in favor of what Almighty God had revealed to him, but I am not at liberty to say that he went to his grave holding fast to the revelation, even though we strongly believe that he did. I do know that he stood firm when he was questioned by his colleagues for his doctrinal change. Two female divorcees came to the Embassy of King Christ Jesus, both having been condemned by unenlightened Christians for being married to other men while their first husbands were still alive. They were told by Pastor Shuler to stay in the study of God's Word until they were either condemned, or filled with the Holy Ghost & justified. They were told by Pastor Shuler that if they were living in sin as they had been told, God would not save them, because He will stand by His people when they stand on His Word; that's if they have the proper interpretation of His Word. Well, even though the uninformed saints meant well, & were fiercely defending the moral laws that God wants us to be governed by, they were wrong. God confirmed & honored the proper interpretation of His Word, & filled both women with the Holy Ghost; one was filled when she was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, came up from beneath the water speaking in other tongues. We don't believe that the saints of God desire to see people, who have been abused & abandoned, bound & haunted by evil spouses. We believe that they, down to their precious souls, mean well, but are just in the dark behind the non-scholarly teachings of their Christian leaders, who themselves, mean well. What does meaning well do for a saved woman that has been declared bound to a man that has attempted to kill her, who's beating on her,or has divorced her, & has taken up a life with someone else? We will ask the same question concerning men, who are suffering the same. We feel the same concerning men that suffer the same marital injustices. These people were married, because they didn't want to live life as singles: They were married, because they were in love, & wanted to share their lives with someone that they thought they could trust & live out the rest of their lives with. In some unfortunate cases, the wheels come off, & it can happen to the best of us. The last thing someone, who has finally been made free from abuse needs to hear is, "You Can't Have Nobody Else." Paul didn't see why an abandoned saint should be bound & yoked to their departed spouse, because there was no way that they could know whether their departed spouse could be won to Christ or not. If reconciliation is at all possible, it is usually a good thing, but that's not always the case. Even though every one of us will determine our own eternal destiny, those who are casting the yoke of bondage around the necks of souls that God has chosen to heal & save, are not without guilt, as the scriptures have asked in Romans 8:33,"Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth." With all that having been said, it is my desire that all marriages succeed, & that is my approach & objective when I offer my counsel to them that are in trouble, & even peril. Some scholars have also asserted that a former divorcee cannot hold a leadership position in the Church, but we beg to differ. We look to 1Corinthians 7:17-24 for the bases of our teaching on this matter, because no matter how controversial a subject may be, there is understanding in the Word of God. Paul said that a man should be ordained to do what God's gift in him purposes for him to do. He didn't feel that a man should change his marital status to satisfy God's call on his life, to salvation, or to service. He added that a man should abide in the situation that he was in (free, slave, married, or single) when God saved him (1Corinthians 7:17-24). He did say that if a saved slave could win his freedom, he should pursue the course of action required to accomplish that. Should we believe that the status of divorcee should disqualify a man from serving God in the office that God calls him into? If that were the case, Why was Paul allowed to serve God from the office of an apostle, after he had persecuted & murdered saints? Now isn't murder a little worse than divorce? If Paul found grace, who can't? Some say that Paul righteously persecuted the saints in the name of God: That's true, but many unGodly people do things in the name of God as well? Some will be casted into hell, even after they declare to The Lord, that they have done many good works in His name. It's easy to stand at the door of God's Kingdom turning souls away, but it's much easier for us to study & show ourselves approved & in sync with God. Then we can stand at the Kingdom's door to usher souls in. If during Paul's day, he were to become acquainted with a church that had several remarried, wholly sanctified divorcees with holy households, men that had been abandoned by their unsaved wives, who had taken up lives with other sinful men; & in the same church, there were lukewarm, one time married men; would he have ordained the lukewarm men to the church's leadership positions, because the other men were divorcees, even though they were not at fault, & blamless concerning the demise of their marriage? We must also ask, "If a man divorces his wife, because she commits adultery, which he has a God-given right to do in such an instance; should he be disqualified from a ministry office, or from performing the works associated with his gift & call; even though he is declared not bound to her?" These are legitimate questions, don't you think? I believe to my soul, that this is when the sound counsel of Christ applies, which says, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). That's what Paul was doing in this letter to Corinth, giving his judgment, as one proven faithful to God (1Cor. 7:12 & 1Cor. 7:25, 26). Paul rightfully set high standards for bishops, elders, & deacons, & we, in no way, wish to diminish his righteous intentions & judgments. Think on this for a minute: Stephen & Philip were numbered with the seven in Acts 6:1-8, who were chosen to administer funds to the church's widows, when the Apostles saw the ministry of the Word of God & constant prayer as more pressing needs than the handling of charitable gifts. Yet, it was Stephen that was stoned to death after preaching the longest recorded sermon in the New Testament. When we read Acts 6:8-15 & Acts 7:1-60, we can see that Stephen's gift & call were greater than the church's domestic duties, which he was assigned to oversee. The same was the case with Philip, who when the church was being persecuted, left his domestic assignment, & by the power & greater call of an evangelistical ministry within him, went out & evangelized Samaria, winning many over to the faith from sorcery (Acts 8:1-40). He was also sent by an angel to Gaza, & afterwards, led by the Spirit to an Ethiopian's chariot, to show him that Jesus of Nazareth was the lamb/sheep that the prophet Isaiah was speaking of in Isaiah 53:1-12, the Messiah of Israel. In Acts 21:8, 9, Luke referred to Philip as "Philip the Evangelist", not Philip the deacon, or charity hand. His gift & call had definitely exceeded the assignment given him by the church. The gift of evangelist is named amongst the five ministry gifts that are recorded in Ephesians 4:8-16, & it is certain that Philip & Stephen were given the gifts of teacher & evangelist, even though they were both elected by the church to serve God in a less honorable office, or capacity. With that being said, we must still take notice that the church's standard for those serving God, even on the lower level of a domestic charity worker; was trustworthiness & being filled with the Holy Ghost & wisdom. With that being said, it should be the endeavor of every saint, to exceed the honor of any title bestowed upon us, serving God, His Kingdom, & lost humanity, with all that is within us. A title worn should never be greater or more meaningful than the services rendered beneath it. With Stephen & Philip, the services that they rendered were above & beyond the titles & offices that they held, & such should be the case with us.
Female Preachers: Our ministry has been much despised, because we do not ordain female ministers: But we will give you scriptually based reasons why we don't. Then you tell us whether you want to follow a worldly trend, or be a follower of Christ. Because Eve was the first partaker of that which was forbidden, she was charged to be subject to the rule of her husband. Not only was the woman placed under subjection to the man, but the pains & burdens of conceiving children were multiplied (Gen. 3:16). The woman was not the only one punished for the sin of the forbidden tree, but the serpent was punished for allowing Satan to use its body, & was cursed & demoted within the animal kingdom from beast to a creeping, crawling thing. Satan, the spirit that was in the serpent, was sentenced to death (Gen. 3:15). Because the man obeyed his wife, & partook of the forbidden tree, he was expelled from the garden & was given to sweat & toil in sorrow as the earth was cursed in him & began to bring forth thorns & thistles, instead of the herbs & fruits that the garden, a botanical paradise, had yielded unto him (Gen. 3:17-24). Man & woman, like the serpent were also sentence to death, but they had an invisible hope of being raised from the dead by the seed of the woman (Jesus Christ), who would also be the bruiser of Satan's head (Gen. 3:15). The only thing that has not remained in the order that God placed it in is, (woman). In the sweat of his face, man still labors to eat, the serpent is still a creeping, crawling thing, the earth is still bringing forth thistles & briars, Satan bruised Jesus' heel, his head will be bruised, & the woman still brings forth children in sorrow. So how has the woman broken rank? As she did in the garden, she is yet today defying the protocol of God. As all humans come out of God, & as our children come out of us, Eve came out of Adam. That alone should have made her feel some sense of subjection towards him, just as our children feel towards us, & we towards God. If her wifely senses were functioning properly, she would've referred the serpent to her husband, & would not have acted solo, & contrary to what God had told her & Adam. First of all, God would not have used a creature that was subject to their dominion to speak a word contrary to what He had already spoken to them, unless they were in defiance to Him; & they were not at that time. When the serpent began to speak against what God had said, Eve should've rebuked & cursed it, & her judgment would've stood with God: And if she was confused by the things that the serpent was saying, she should've deferred to Adam & Adam could've rebuked him. When protocol is broken, things usually go south. Why was it so easy for the woman to breach protocol then & now? See, when God sets some things in order, man cannot defy it. All the punishments that He handed out in the garden to the parties involved in the sin are irrevocable: all but one and that is the rule of subjection given to Eve. See, The earth cannot defy the curse God brought it under in Adam, Adam could not stay in the comfort of the garden, the serpent can no more be a beast as it was, Satan cannot escape the judgment of Christ, & woman cannot escape the sorrows of conceiving children: But there is one mandate she can, & has defied, & that is the mandate to be subject to her husband. The order to be subject to her husband was the only mandate that could be defied, because this type of mandate is subject to the element of trust. God could've superimposed & make the woman submissive, just as He did in the case of the earth, the serpent, the man, Satan, & the woman concerning child conception, but He did not want to program Eve to make her be submissive to her husband. Even though she failed God & her husband, she was yet entrusted to walk in the spirit of submissiveness. It is appalling to God, that a woman would defy His protocol, not only in her marriage, but in her service to Him; declaring that God, who told her to be subject to her husband, has now told her to rule over him & other men in His own house (the church). I wouldn't serve a God so twisted as that, would you? A man can't be a Deacon in God's House, except he first rule his own house (wife & children, 1Tim. 3:8-12): A man cannot be a Bishop in God's House, except he first rule his own house (wife & children, 1Tim. 3:1-7): The same holds true for an Elder (Titus 1:5-9). God prefers that all the holders of the church's leadership positions be married men, who understand the concept of family; how to love, nurture, & rule over one, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as the church is a collection of natural families that have been spiritually converted to be the spiritual family of God. It wasn't uncommon in Paul's day, for men in certain Gentile cities to be living in polygamy, so he instructed Timothy & Titus to choose wise, Spirit-filled men, who were dwelling under proper family structure, who also possessed leadership characteristics. No matter how qualified a woman may be otherwise, the protocol of God forbids that she take rule over her husband. If it is necessary that she take rule over the home due to reasons related to health, spirituality, or morality, she should still hold herself in subjection to the men of God at the House of God. Her husband's ineptness as a leader does not undo the order that God has established for things pertaining to the church. Oh, by the way, a woman cannot be a husband, no matter what the lesbians say. A few years ago, female preachers graced themselves the ministry title of "Evangelist". We can only assume that this title gave them a sense of justification about being disobedient to God. If you look at Ephesians 4:8, you will clearly see that the Evangelist of the church was a ministry gift that God gave to MEN, not man/mankind, which would've encompassed both male& female(Eph. 4:11-16). A woman can evangelize, but not as a preacher, or a teacher in the church. To evangelize is to take the gospel to those, who have not heard it. When women worked in the ministry with the apostles, they had no problem doing it as helpers of the men, as Eve was given to be a helper of Adam (Acts 16:11-15). There are things that the men of God cannot do without the help of the women of God, but we must all come under the order that Almighty God has set before us. No matter how qualified we feel to do something, if we are forbidden by God to do it, we cannot qualify ourselves to do that which we have been forbidden to do. That's what Satan did to Eve: He made her feel qualified for, or entitled to a promotion from being human to being nearly equal with God, with the status of a god (Gen.3:1-7).Paul made it abundantly clear that the women were not to teach, or have authority over the men, but when he told the women to learn in silence with all subjection, he was not suggesting that they could not talk at all about the Word of God in Bible Studies; but that they were not to be defiant, or disorderly to the men of God (1Tim. 2:7-15). Notice how he referred to the protocol that was established way back in the Garden of Eden as the bases of his protocol & order of service for the church. Then in 1Corinthians 14:33-40, Paul sent a coy rebuke out to the women, who were contending with the men of God during the study & teaching of the Word of God. According to the standard set by the Law, he told them that they were not permitted to speak (debate with the men of God) in the church, & that it was a shame for them to do so. He told them the Word of God didn't come from them, or come to them only. He instructed the women to remain quiet, & even if they had a revelation, they were told to ask their husbands at home. What he was saying in so many words was, "If you give your husband the proper reverence at home, you wouldn't have a problem respecting the men of God at the church. Even though Paul's letter was written to the church at Corinth, he expected the entire Body of Christ to be subject to its contents, saying that if any man be a prophet, or spiritual, he should be able to discern that Paul's commandments were actually the commandments of God (1Cor. 14:37-38). In my closing, I would like to add that I am not speaking of woman as a whole, but to those who defy the protocol of Almighty God. In Ephesians 5:22-24, he told the women to be subject to their husbands IN EVERYTHING! Should we believe that a reward awaits those, who in defiance, attempt to serve God from an office that He forbade them to enter? My Lord & my God!
What not to wear: Much strife has been born out of what we, the saints of God, should & should not wear. In an attempt to end all strife on this matter, we will refer you to what the Apostle Peter said about clothing & bodily ornaments in 1Pet. 3:1-7. Peter said the woman of God should not bring attention to herself with the elaborate braiding of her hair, nor by decking her flesh with gold, or by wearing flashy clothing: But rather, he said that she should adorn herself with the ornaments of a meek & quiet spirit, which are priceless to God. He told them that the holy women of old had set the standard for how Christian women during his day should carry themselves. Clothing styles change all the time, especially over long periods of time, but what's proper, & what's not proper to wear will never change in the eyes & mind of God. Paul said pretty much the same thing in 1Tim. 2:9-10. Simply put, holiness does have a look to it; unfortunately, so does unholiness. In Deuteronomy 22:5, God told the men not to put on a woman's garment. In the same verse, He told the women that they shall not wear anything that pertains to a man. 99.9% percent of the civilized men of the world have no problem obeying this commandment, the women, again, the women, are another story. Who, in their right or wrong mind does not know that pants pertain to men? Men often boast of their Lordship over their homes by saying, "I wear the pants in my house!" Truth be told, women didn't really start wearing pants in America, until shortly before the second World War, when many of them dismissed being housewives & took jobs in weaponry factories, as the demand for military build-up grew when America's entry into the war became imminent. You know how America works; start something, & people will follow, no matter whether it is the Nazi movement, Japanese Imperialism, the KKK, or some other stupid form of occultism. One woman started wearing pants, soon after, others joined the trend of defiance. Soon, it was just THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE: But thank God, it is not the Church's. We who hold fast to what God told us about what & what not to wear are often criticized for our obedience. That alone is sad enough, but what's even sadder is the fact that most of the criticism comes from those who call themselves Christians. Have you ever noticed that whenever a man wants to be a woman, whether he's a Sicko, Draggo Queen, or just playing a TV role like the late Flip Wilson, who would dress like a woman when he portrayed a female character named "Geraldine Jones" on his 1970's sitcom. Today, most notably, Tyler Perry dresses like a woman when he plays a female character called "Madea". By putting on a dress, they were & are acknowledging that the dress is a woman's garment. Due to the great influx of lesbianism in America, we see women, not just wearing pants, but wearing them as a man would wear them, in an attempt to appear manlier. Can't take it much longer, we feel some of our Ebonics bout da come out now, but we just gotta say, "Ain't Da Embassy hittin it!" Yes! Okay, we back. The world & the secularized church does not want God in any of its business, but we've got a question pressing on my heart: The restrooms that we use in public, private, & government establishments, who makes the signs that are on their doors, you know, the signs, one with the emblem of a man with pants on is always on the men's restroom doors, & a sign with the emblem of a woman wearing a dress is always on the door of the women's restroom? Those signs tell us which is which, right, yet they are not manufactured by the church that obeys God's dress code, but by the factories of the world, for the people of the world. What are we saying? We are saying that the world knows what's proper, it just can't walk in it. We all should know that tight clothing that cling to the skin, showing all the curves of the body, & sheer & skimpy clothing that reveal bare skin in suspected areas of the body are offensive to God, & to the children of His Kingdom. That goes for men & women alike: And men, please keep the dresses off, even if you feel foxy! LOL! There is a lot more that we could say on this matter, but we will end it right here with overwhelming confidence that we have proven our point with the Word of God.
Facial makeup: We do not believe in the wearing of facial makeup, unless there is some type of facial disfigurement that makes a woman uncomfortable with her appearance. The wearing of makeup otherwise is the epitome of glorying in flesh. It suggests that one is dissatisfied with the way they look. Perhaps we all wished that we were a tad bit prettier, but we are who we are. Just know that if you live holy, you are so beautiful to The Lord, no matter how unattractive you may think you are, but if you live sinfully, no matter how pretty, or handsome you may be, you are a sight for sore eyes to the Lord. When wicked Queen Jezebel wanted to seduce someone, she would paint (put on makeup) her face & adorn her hair & her body with ornaments. She led prophets to their deaths with her seduction, but when she tried it with Jehu, who was ordained by God to abolish the idolatry of Israel, it was to no avail (2Kings 9:30). We are not saying that every woman that wears makeup is a seductress, because that is just not true. We are saying that the wearing of makeup was synonymous with women who lived according to the flesh, who put most of their confidence in the flesh. Please read Jeremiah 4:30, 31 & Ezekiel 23:38-49 for more information on how the wearing of makeup was very much a staple of women who behaved in a lewd manner.
How men & women should approach prayer: The woman that has fair hair must admit that her hair gives her an additional sense of pride (glory) that most men cannot experience. As the angels beheld the Lord & His heavenly glory, they veiled their faces in humility & honor towards God, their Creator & Master (Isaiah 6:1-3). Because the man is the head of the woman, she is to cover her head in honor of the man, who is her earthly lord, & in honor of the angels, who watch over the church of Christ, beholding its order. When the woman covers her head while praying or prophesying, she is signifying to man, God, & the guardian angels, that she honors the protocol that God established way back near the beginning of humanity. She understands that she cannot not pray or prophesy herself into a position above the man. Women were recessed from the male court of the temple, & could not enter. They are now permitted to be among the men in the church, but the covering of the head always signified that she understands that in the order of the family & the church, she is not before the man. If she were to pray or prophesy without her head covered, she would be dishonoring her own head. The man, because he is the head of woman, must not pray or prophesy with his head covered. If he does, he dishonors his own head. Some ministries have declared that the woman's hair is her covering, but we beg to differ. If a woman's hair is her covering, that would mean that there must've been an epidemic of baldness among women throughout the world, because it just wouldn't make sense for Paul to teach women to wear or put on what they already had (their own hair). Again, if the woman's hair is her covering, so is the man's. Thus all men would have to be baldheaded in order to pray or prophesy in the proper manner 1Corinthians 11:1-16. In a nutshell: When Paul said that the woman's hair was given to her to be a covering, he was saying that her hair is the source of much of her womanly pride. In this (her hair), she towers above the man, as it is one of the most distinguishing features of her womanhood. So when she comes before God in prayer, there should be no semblance of her glorying in herself. Thus, when she veils her glory before God, the angels, & man, she appears before them as a fertile tree, yielding its fruit of humility. We know that there are cases wherein a woman may not possess long hair. This, in no way, diminishes her beauty, or her glory as a woman. Some ministries teach that it is wrong for a woman to cut her hair, but we beg to differ. We believe that if a woman has long hair, she should not shave it so low that she compromises the integrity of appearance. Some women like certain styles that demand that the hair be cut to some degree. We must in all things be mindful that we, in favor of a desired look or appearance, do not challenge the courses of what we know to be natural for either sex. That is why Paul said that it is against the course of nature for a man to have long hair. In many instances, if the course of nature is breached, the results are abominable. In respect of the glory of the woman, a man should not have long hair (1Corinthians 11:14-16). I must also add, that when it came to some of the laws of nature, such as a man not having long hair, Paul did not wish to have the church act as law enforcement officials. He hoped that the saints of God would by nature, do that which was proper, without the guidance of the Law, as they walked in the Spirit.
OUR CLOSING STATEMENT: We believe that it is incumbent upon all ministries to deal transparently with the public, & with it’s congregates when it comes to the Word of God. That is what this website is all about. Some of you will visit our website & never visit our worship center; Some will not visit us, because of distance, others won’t visit us, because we aren’t afraid to put the truth out there, & the truth is what few people are searching for today. Please don't think that we impose our doctrinal beliefs on people, because we don't. We do not have doctrinal policemen at the doors of the sanctuary to enforce our doctrines on anyone, even though our doctrinal beliefs are scripturally based. We know that we are standing on the Word of God, & are not afraid to expose you to the heart of our ministry. We guess you can say we expose, not impose. We joyfully give praise to Jesus, our King & Savior, for pouring out His Spirit, the precious Holy Ghost, in our little sanctuary. Pastor Shuler's nine year old daughter was filled with the Holy Ghost on Dec. 19, 2010, the day he lost his brother Marvin to a sudden death. The Lord told him on the night of Dec. 18, 2010, that He was going to pour out His Spirit in the church the next morning. Little did he know that he'd get a call notifying him that Marvin was rushed to the hospital, and was not breathing! While Pastor Shuler was on his way to church, he received the dreaded phone call that his brother Marvin did not make it. Because of what The Lord had said to him the night before, he told his wife not to mention Marvin's death to anyone at the church, & she didn't. Well, shockingly, God filled little Antronia with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. He realized that he could only pray for Marvin, but also that he had on his hands some lost souls that needed to hear the soul-saving Word of God. Little did he know that the blessed soul would be that of his own daughter! Glory hallelujah! This is the heart that's after God’s own heart. If you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost, & baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, come & draw Living Waters from our Rivers & Wells of Salvation. Get with your friends & family, & tell them to come & join you in an awesome worship experience at the Embassy of King Christ Jesus! The power of God's glorious presence is for all of us, so why would you hang your hat on a dead church? We’ll be waiting at the door to welcome you & yours to our Hallelujah Haven, where the feast of The Lord is going on! God bless you & all that is yours, in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, & we hope to see you soon. To correspond with us, please refer to our contact page.